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06 March 2012

The Social Poets: 10 Advertisers Flee Pervert Rush Limbaugh After Weekend Excuses Speech Masquerades As Apology

1 17 10 Bearman Cartoon Rush Limbaugh
1 17 10 Bearman Cartoon Rush Limbaugh (Photo credit: Bearman2007)
The Social Poets: 10 Advertisers Flee Pervert Rush Limbaugh After Weekend Excuses Speech Masquerades As Apology: From Denny: In an attempt to stem the angry national tsunami against him, Rush Limbaugh offered up a Pandora's box of lame excuses, claiming it was a sincere apology. His excuses came this weekend when the media wasn't watching closely - or so he thought.

What is the truth about number of Rush listeners?

For a radio talk show host that will not publicly verify his claim of 20 million listeners on 600 stations nationally, Rush Limbaugh's boat is rocking fast and furious as advertisers flee from the firestorm. To date, sometimes literally abandoning ship by the hour, there are now ten advertisers to leave his show or suspend their advertising.
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