Here's a run-down of what's happening on 5 of the various blogs today:
Romancing The Chocolate: Recipe: Sour Cream-Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting and Chocolate-Peanut Butter Glaze
* If you are a chocolate and peanut butter fiend, then you simply must make this special cake. "I'm just saying..." :)
The Social Poets: Libations Friday! 24 July 2009
* A Louisiana coffee recipe in the form of a coffee shake for this hot summer and an original dream sequence poem.
Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd humor blog: Video: 8 of 9 Worst Products of All Time - Toilet Paper Foam Moistener
* Yawn, yet another weirdo butt product for you to "enjoy." Who comes up with these things? They claim this advanced product will make your ordinary toilet paper rise to the category of extraordinary! (You have got to be kidding.)
Basically, this is the American convenience fast food version of the French bidet. After all, to quote the salesman hawking this product in the video, "You control the wetness." Enough said. Toilet humor is a bottomless pit of available jokes...
Comfort Food From Louisiana: Recipe: Shrimp and Grits
* Valuable information on how to roast your own grits before making the recipe. Never seen this offered on the web (uh, maybe because I'm the guy who finally wrote down the simple recipes for this...) as how to roast your own grits, spiced up grits version for lunch or dinner.
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations: How Do You Test a Person's Character the Most? Adversity? No.
* Truer words could never have been spoken by President Abraham Lincoln! They apply to politics, religion, employers and parenting. It is easy to abuse your power over someone - "because you can." After all, who is going to stop you?
That's why it is so very important to develop true personal discipline in the cultivating of emotional intelligence to protect yourself from becoming an abuser so despised by others - and God. Who wants negative Karma slapping you in the face when you are at your most weak or vulnerable? No one who is sane asks for that intentionally.
How do you cultivate emotional intelligence? Start with ...
Sour Cream Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting Photo by kimberlykv @ flickr
chocolate cake, peanut butter, Chocolate, Baking and Confections, desserts, Society and Culture, Abraham Lincoln, Presidents, United States, humor