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07 September 2011

The Social Poets: Poll For Economy and 2012 Election: Should Obama Step Aside?

WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 03:  U.S. President Bara...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

The Social Poets: Poll For Economy and 2012 Election: Should Obama Step Aside?: From Denny: President Obama's numbers are sinking fast with an American public tired of him nibbling around the edges of a disastrous economy with small incremental gestures going nowhere. What Americans expect is bold action to reinvigorate the economy with millions of jobs.

The newest poll to come out measuring the public anger with Congress in general and frustration with a timid president is from the NBC News/Wall Street Journal. They used both Republican and Democratic pollsters and it was conducted from 27 to 31 August 2011.

Obama's current status with voters:

* approval - 44 percent
* disapproval - 51 percent
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