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18 May 2011

The Social Poets: To Obama and Leakers: Shut The F Up About Seal Team 6, Secret Ops

The Social Poets: To Obama and Leakers: Shut The F Up About Seal Team 6, Secret Ops: "From Denny: It's time for the excessive celebration to come to a complete halt over at the White House about the Bin Laden episode. Even I find it obnoxious how they continue leaking secret information about the Seal Team that carried out the raid on the Bin Laden compound.

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Since the folks who occupy the White House never grew up in the military - or the intelligence community - it's about time someone clued them in on just how stupid and dangerous their leaks truly are.

Leaking this information is more than dangerous to the families and the warriors. It is also dangerous to those doing the leaking as it points a direct arrow at your house and your family. You are effectively placing a bullseye on your own back. How stupid can you get?"
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