From Denny: Here's a little "light reading" to help you pass the day. :) Seriously, Meet The Press was actually worth the watch this past week, even the roundtable discussion was profitable for a change.
Also, some unusual health news stories you might not have caught this week.
Lots of interesting quotes for your mind to chew on with some beautiful photos for eye candy while you think.
Politics and World News:
Video: Drought Devastates Kenya, People Fighting to Stay Alive
Meet The Press was exceptionally good this past week. I broke down the videos into smaller clips with commentary on each one so you can decide which ones you want to watch. There is also a link to watch the program in its entirety.
Video: Meet The Press part 1, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice Calmly Boxes Gregory into Submission
Video: Meet The Press, part 2, Democrat Maddow Pummels Republican Murphy into a Pout
Video: Meet The Press, part 3, Press Reaction Mostly Informative, Discuss Race in 2012 Against Obama
Health News
Our New Life Expectancy and Dementia Rated Higher for Professional Athletes
Thought-Provoking Quotes and Beautiful Photos
Do You Feel Buffeted About By the Winds of Life? Heres 5 Thought Provoking Solutions
What Journey is the Most Rewarding?
Cool Way to Practice a Senseless Act of Beauty!
Knowing the Essence of Yourself Creates Success
Thoughts on World Power From Rumi
Photography and Poetry
How to Combine Photos with Your Poetry: Cool Eye Theme Photos!